The Climate Processor® is the only “All in One Solution” to indoor human health.
It provides flexible, easy, cost efficient installation of “Negative Pressure Systems” to virtually any facility, uses less energy, precisely controls temperature and humidity, and runs regular decontamination cycles scrubbing and purifying air of airborne pathogens with a natural antiseptic system.

Negative Pressure Rooms
Climate Processor® negative pressure rooms are designed to prevent airborne pathogens, released from or introduced, to patients from recirculating air: hospital airborne infection isolation rooms, operating rooms and response facilities.
ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2008 recommendations for negative pressure rooms:
- Minimum of 2 outdoor air changes per hour
- Maximum of 12 air changes per hour
- All air exhausted outdoors
- No air recirculated within the room
- Max of 60% of relative humidity
- Room temperature between 70-75° F